Complete Your Outdoor Tile Project

A one litre bottle of Lithofin Wax Off Wax & Oil Remover
LTP Black Coarse Emulsifying Pad
LTP Cement, Grout & Salt Remover - 1 litre
LTP Grout Stain Remover - 1 litre
LTP Mattstone H20 Sealer - Available in 1 litre and 5 litres
LTP White Emulsifying Pad (Fine) for Pad Holder
LTP White Emulsifying Pad (Fine) with Handle
Schluter Schiene E stainless steel tile trim being used to transition between a tile and carpet floor covering.
A perimeter movement joint made from stainless steel with a colour matched epoxy fill made by Dural UK
Eterno Ivica Star.B Extension Piece for Star.T Pedestals
Genesis MHS Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Movement Joint
Genesis MSS Optimax Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Movement Joint
A one litre bottle of Lithofin Cement Away
A one litre bottle of Lithofin KF Stain Stop for Sensitive Tiles
A one litre bottle of Lithofin Stain Stop Plus
A one litre bottle of Lithofin Stain Stop
LTP Colour Intensifier & Stain Block- 1 litre
A red deck brush for cleaning decking